By Olaleye Boluwatife Ezekiel

You are the darkness, I am the light

You tell me that with you, there is enjoyment but what I see is suffering

You that give ten to collect millions refusing to learn from I that ten in order for it to increase to millions without collecting a dime

You smile as you drag people to sorrow while I weep as they go farther from my sweetness

Whether you like it or not

You are the darkness, I am the light

Fulfillment is not what about what you have

It ain’t about what you get either

Your possessions doesn’t make you better than me

Neither does your coast makes you richer

You think you are more fulfilled but check again,

You are more miserable than you could ever imagine

No wonder why you are the darkness and I am the light

I am not claiming it, it is who and what I am

My light is so bright that I can see clearly that

You are lost and you are a ravaging animal

And I can do nothing to help you.

Not because my light is not that powerful to save you from your imminent water loo

But because you are just not worth it;

You are darkness, I am and always will be the light.

Might be wondering,"what message is the poem trying to pass?" 

As much as it connotes the difference between God and the devil, it is also calling unto you to hold on to a substantial point: Never measure your greatness by the number of harm or sadness you cause people but by the number of lives you are able to save in time of help and impact positively.

It is not an exaggeration, some people do feel like they are "bigger than God", like they are on top of the world when they dupe a very wealthy or prominent or an extremely careful individual, Yes or No.

Some guys revel in the joy of deflowering a lady that had been so hard to get which led such guys to drugging them and engaging with them in their unconscious state or forcefully, True or False. 

It is not a thing of fun or a "playful thing" to rob a person of his property when you could have just asked. Even if he was not going to give you, you have no right to cause harm or pain.

It is the order of the day which has to stop. We can always do things the right way they should be done, isn't it? We can always follow the examples that has been and continues to be set by our heavenly father-Jesus-and not the path of doom that the devil wants everyone to follow. 

It is up to us and the actions we take if we truly want the world to be a better place.