By Boluwatife Ezekiel Olaleye

The world ain't  all that sunshine and rainbows we dream of, it's a very mean, cruel and nasty place, It will bring you crumbling to your knees, it will beat you to the ground and it will get away with it but at the same time you have so many goals and aspirations in it.

You tell yourself, 'I want to be great in life", you have so many roads to cross, you know you have so many mountains to climb and lots of challenges to overcome, everything in this same world but you ask, "will this world allow me fulfill all the dreams I have?"

So many people stop pushing themselves, so many stop stretching themselves, so many fail to break beyond their limits, limits they have sent by themselves. So many graduate and become useless, give excuses, so many raise a family and then, they die, so many stop believing. Many have the ideas, the talents, the resources but what if they venture into it and it doesn't work out or for some, what if it works out and I can't handle it, people who are not ready to take risks because of one thing, one threat the world poses...
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It will make you refuse to go on stage and wow the crowd with your marvellous voice when the opportunity comes, it will make you keep procrastinating, it will prevent you from going the extra mile, it will prevent you from taking the first step and when you take the first step, It will make you crumble at the first challenge you encounter and it becomes your limit.

F.E.A.R- False Evidence Appearing Real

In this society, we have been made to know that the scared are the weak. See, it's not bad to be afraid, it is natural but then it is bad when you don't face it and you let it define you.

To be brave is not the absence of fear but the ability to face and go through it, overcome it.
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More in this blog: Love Yourself
                                When the truth develops feet (Like the Flash)
The world is mean but you can see it as a nobody if you shake off its greatest threat. You, just decide, be filled with all determination, you won't rest until you get what you want and the universe will get out of your way. You can't be the best Doctor, Engineer, Singer, Blogger, Athlete if you can't overcome fear. You can fail a lot of times, you can keep trying and with no success but that doesn't kill your dream. In essence, you have to know that fear kills more your dreams than failure ever will. For as long as you ain't scared, no matter how many times you fail, you will keep trying until you achieve it but if you are scared, you will never try at all meanwhile everything you want to be is on the other side of fear.

If Michael Faraday feared that he might die of electricity, there will be no power as you know it today, if the Wright brothers feared of crashing, there will be no aircraft today, if Mark Zuckerberg or Bill Gates allowed the fear that they might go bankrupt, there will be no Facebook for you to socialize with or Windows to make your computers work effectively today and that's not to mention the bold steps the creators of these computers took.
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This fear has two meanings- Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise, it's your choice.

Some are afraid of going to school because of the fear of cultists, some go to school but are afraid of graduating because of the fear of facing what awaits them out there in the real world, some are afraid of medicine because of the fear of seeing dead bodies-they always throw up and it's their calling, some are afraid of going into music or acting, what if they run out of ideas, some are afraid to play football, rugby, basketball, the likes, Why? what if they get damaging permanent injuries. If Ronaldo, Messi, Le Bron and many more great fear all these, they won't be what they actually are...Greats!

Your fear is 100% dependent on you for its survival. It's up to you if you want to make it survive or you want to kill it.

Remember, so many talents, so many dreams, so many great minds are in the grave because they were afraid, afraid to take the risks and face life for what it is!

You don't want to end up like that, do you?

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